During the first Tezos Town Hall of 2020, a panel of experts from the Tezos ecosystem—including Arthur Breitman, early architect of Tezos—break down the current state of the protocol and answer community questions about governance and core development.

Joining the conversation was Adrian Brink, Founder of Metastate, Arthur Breitman, Early Architect of Tezos, Raphaël Cauderlier, Research Engineer at Nomadic Labs, Jacob Arluck, Co-founder of TQ Tezos, and Gabriel Alfour, Lead Developer at Ligo Lang.




This Session was the first Tezos Town Hall of 2020, and featured a panel of experts who answered community questions about governance and core protocol development. Discussion also included the potential for improvements—including the upcoming 007 upgrade and the release of dalphanet, a test network for experimenting with new features in the upcoming protocol upgrade—as well as how developers can get involved to help improve Tezos.


Session Notes


Introduction of Arthur Breitman, Early Architect of Tezos.


Introduction of Adrian Brink, Founder of Metastate.


Introduction of Gabriel Alfour, Lead Developer of Ligo Lang


Introduction of Raphaël Cauderlier, Research Engineer at Nomadic Labs.


TQ Tezos’s Co-founder Jacob Arluck led a moderated discussion with Arthur, Adrian, Gabriel and Raphaël.

Q: How do Nomadic Labs, Metastate, and LIGO or Marigold, or Gabriel work together to determine what should be in the next proposal that you're working on?


Gabriel’s involvement in the 007 proposal.


Raphaël’s involvement in the 007 proposal.


Q: Are there plans for 007 to include an additional phase?


Arthur Breitman talks about potential aspects that need to be built on specific projects. He also explains that we should prioritize low hanging fruits and bottlenecks for updating protocol.


Q: Are there plans in 007 to include an additional phase after the promotion period or even delaying future proposal activations for a longer period to allow more time for third-party developers to adjust to upcoming changes in the protocol?


Adrian Brink explains Tezos upgradability.


Q: Obviously, testing will take a long time, but there are lots of interests in things like raising the gas limit or having a more efficient interpreter, etc. Should we consider, basically a smaller proposal in the interim, to address some of these immediate needs? Or are you really focused on doing this as one large proposal? 


Arthur Breitman and Adrian Brink express their opinions of the question in detail.


Q: What features does Dalphanet include of the upcoming proposal versus stuff that hasn't been included yet? 


Raphaël Cauderlier explains Dalphanet.


Q: Why does Dalphanet excite you guys?


Q: How would Uniswap compare to that, sort of user experience?


Q: All baking and endorsement rights for five cycles following a vote if they didn't participate, is that something that's been considered or could be considered in a future upgrade?


Q: What can the community do to better help Tezos core development efforts other than getting involved with Dalphanet?


Q: What are some of the things that you're including in 007 that help application developers?


Q: Could you give us a reassessment of the gas costs?


Q: Do we think that there is an area that the community should be actively looking for to improve upon in terms of lowering roll size? Are you considering that in a future proposal? What are the thoughts on that?


Q: In the ecosystem, who can help inform what goes into an amendment?


Q: What can be done in future upgrades to really improve developer adoption developer experience?


Q: How do other teams get involved in submitting proposals? And how can they participate in discussions around proposals?


Closing remarks

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