During the second Tezos Town Hall of 2020, a panel of experts from the Tezos ecosystem delved into the decision-making process for implementing updates and features onto the protocol, and offered a glimpse into the improvements and expansions to come.

Joining the conversation was Adrian Brink, Founder of Metastate, Arthur Breitman, Early Architect of Tezos, Benjamin Canou, CTO at Nomadic Labs, Jacob Arluck, Co-founder of TQ Tezos, and Gabriel Alfour, Lead Developer at Ligo Lang.




In the second Tezos Town Hall of 2020, a panel of experts delved into the evolving nature of the Tezos ecosystem. Discussion included the decision-making process for implementing updates and features onto the protocol, and offered a glimpse into the near future of what the panel is most excited to improve and expand. 


Session Notes


Introduction of Tezos Town Hall speakers


Moderator Jacob Arluck asked questions about Delphi and future upgrade proposals on Tezos. 

Q: How did you guys come up with the idea to put forth Delphi? How does this differ from any original plan that you might have had for the newest proposal?


Q: How has this affected sapling and the baking accounts? How is testing or preparation coming along for this new proposal?


Q: Do we think it’s possible to have this ready not long after 007 goes live?


Q: Are Nomadic Labs and Metastate considering to propose smaller but more frequent proposals?


Q: What do you see for Tezos after 008 or any updates? 


Q: What prompted you to work on the project? What’s your initial motivation? Has this changed over time?


Q: In which market or country do you see Tezos performing well? Why?


Q: Where do you see Tezos performing well in 5 or 10 years?

A: There will be more use cases of Tezos in the gaming industry. We will be able to make programmable money and decentralized finance (DeFi) more effectively.


Q: What practical engagement is needed from developers in the community to make those goals real?


Q: What are your short or long-term outlooks for Tezos?


Q: What are the most exciting applications on Tezos?


Q: What are your thoughts for an on-chain treasury on Tezos?


Q: Could you explain why it might be better to have things like insurance products and other common dapp initiatives on chain rather than through a dapp or layer 2? What things are suited to be on chain and what are not?


Closing remarks

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