In this Session, TQ Tezos’s Co-founder Jacob Arluck led an in-depth discussion about the architecture of DeFi platforms with Luke Youngblood, Founder, and CEO of Blockscale, and Keefer Taylor, CEO of Tessellated Geometry. Luke mentioned that the current DeFi landscape on Tezos is years ahead of the other networks because of its Proof of Stake consensus layer. Keefer gave a detailed presentation of Harbinger, a self-sustaining price oracle that generates accurate on-chain pricing data.

They also gave us a very first glimpse of a new stablecoin on Tezos, Kolibri (or kUSD), which is secured by the Harbinger price oracle and can be minted by any XTZ holder or staker. Users can even use baking rewards to mint kUSD, so, according to Luke “you never lose the value of your underlying Tezos that you’re still holding.”

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