A Pet Radio Show that gives you love advice?  That's right! This pet radio show, The Pets Teach Us Much Radio Show gives you pet news plus lessons from our pets in the love department! Pets really do teach us so much.
The Love Genies return with an interesting segment about Winning the Alpha Struggle in your human relationship.  We give you some down home, real advice your Mama never told you.
Plus Carol Bryant from Fidose of Reality joins us to talk about tips for having a howling good time with your pets this Halloween.
And cat bloggers Angie Bailey and Nicky Westbrook join us to talk about their latest non-cat related project called 82 South St.  A sketch comedy series available for viewing with a new episode every week...see the press release below.
We will also be giving you the latest pet news, gossip and info from all over the world, so please join us on Thursday, October 25 at 6:30PM EST.