Do you remember President FDR? You know, Franklin D. Roosevelt? Well, if you’re a year or two too young to remember the man, you probably don’t know that he is responsible for creating the concept of fireside chats. While FDR’s solo broadcasts were usually about fairly important issues, Episode 87 of the Toys For Games Cast is quite similar. You know, if FDR had been talking alone into a microphone about his yarn dog named Poochie, that is.


With Jason unable to make it for the episode, the “deep bench” of co-hosts nowhere to be found for the evening, Josh does his best with a mic and some toys-to-life news to make lemonade out of the lemons he was dealt. Thankfully, plenty of news, including an avalanche of amiibo reveals, combined with great community interaction, made for a somewhat decent episode.


I mean, it’s no FDR quality of broadcasting, but if there was a modern day equivalent, “A Boy and His Yarn Dog” has to be it, right?

Executive Producers:
Jorge Torres!


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SHOW SPONSOR - Devin Laschinski (YouTube: James Holian (@InfinityMuseum) Matt Sonnenberg (@SCLMatt) from and Micheal O'Driscoll (@amiibo_Museum) Christopher Long (@clong83), from Long’s Toys. Check out his YouTube page as well! Evan Parker, TheLoneGoldfish (@TheLoneGoldfish). Watch him play games at

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