After an incredibly busy week for both co-hosts, we finally settled on recording a Saturday morning podcast, because well, why not? To kick off this holiday weekend, we brought on a special guest to help explain the newest addition to the Toys For Games network - Sebastian Fortin, from Gotta Watch’em All! Sebastian breaks down what to expect from the podcast him and Ken have started to chronicle every episode of the Pokemon anime, along with everything else they have planned for this new branch of Toys For Games.


Oh, and there is a live unwrapping of a pack of Pokemon cards with an incredible find in it!


When we eventually get down to talking about the news from the toys-to-life franchises, we discuss the accidental leaks of never-before-seen LEGO Dimensions figures, a blurry image of a possible new Skylanders Sensei via Snapchat, the upcoming release of new Splatoon amiibo, and more reveals of figures and play sets that were on their way to Disney Infinity.


We still had a fun #CommunityQuestion, despite not getting it up until an hour before recording. There was also a very challenging Inquire This! trivia question. And of course, we also answered a bunch of great emails, as always, from the Best Community Ever. All this and more on Episode 79 of the Toys For Games ‘Cast!

Executive Producers:
Jorge Torres!

Our Sponsors:

SHOW SPONSOR - Devin Laschinski (PSN/XBL: Unrace) James Holian (@InfinityMuseum) Matt Sonnenberg (@SCLMatt) from and Micheal O'Driscoll (@amiibo_Museum) @AmiiboAmigo, from Also be sure to check him out on Instagram and his new project, @MiitomoDiaries! Christopher Long (@clong83), from Long’s Toys. Check out his YouTube page as well! Evan, TheLoneGoldfish (@TheLoneGoldfish). Watch him play games at


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