After a busy couple of weeks trying to make sense of the Disney Infinity cancellation, and doing our best to bring peace and understanding to the community still heartbroken about the news, Episode 73 was finally our chance to try and find normalcy for this podcast. Unfortunately, nothing is normal when it comes to the Toys For Games ‘cast. The sheer amount of tangents on this week’s show might be enough to drive anyone to madness, but the news in the toys-to-life genre this week is enough madness for anyone. Even the Joker, apparently.


When we get down to the brass tacks of the show, we discuss the Finding Dory Play Set gameplay leak, the launch of Skylanders Battlecast, possibile exclusive LEGO Dimensions figures, and the reveal of high-quality Monster Hunter amiibo!


We then examine the #CommunityQuestion, and give away another reward for “Response of the Week.” We also have another great Inquire This! Trivia segment, where the expert had the chance to prove his claim to the throne. The voicemail segment was an absolute blast, especially because it worked this week! And of course, we also answer a bunch of great emails, as always, from the Best Community Ever. All this and more on Episode 73 of the Toys For Games ‘Cast!


Executive Producers:
Brett Cangemi (@Brettman79) & Jorge Torres!

Our Sponsors:

SHOW SPONSOR - Devin Laschinski Ken Pescatore (@ProudGamerTweet), who’s in charge of the Toys For Games Facebook group James Holian (@InfinityMuseum) Matt Sonnenberg (@SCLMatt) from and Micheal O'Driscoll (@amiibo_Museum) @AmiiboAmigo, from Also be sure to check him out on Instagram and his new project, @MiitomoDiaries! Christopher Long (@clong83), from Long’s Toys. Check out his YouTube page as well!

Want to become a Sponsor as well? Check out our Patreon page!

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