The best use of lemons is to make lemonade, and that’s exactly what we do with a slow news week here at Toys For Games. Acting as a pre-show to the Second Annual Toys For Games Awards next week, and in the middle of what is typically a slower time for news, the highlight of Episode 102 easily has to be the passion and electricity for what turns out to be a true love story.


Starting off in the news, we discuss the continued confusing nature that is the Disney lawyers, Skylanders day at GameStop this coming weekend, a bizarre sale of LEGO Dimensions, the long wait for the Switch announcement on Thursday, and the awesome looking Lightseekers beta figures. But most importantly, we wax poetic about the best looking figure in the history of Skylanders - Pain-Yatta! Yes, Pain-Yatta is BAE, no questions asked.


We also break down every single category and all the nominees for the Second Annual Toys For Games Awards, to be held on January 19th. There were a few categories and nominees that needed a bit more explanation than the voting page explains, so we took the time, as the last show before the Awards, to lay it all out for you, the community.


From there, we read the #CommunityQuestion and awarded a listener a cool prize for having the Response of the Week. And finally, we wrapped up the show with some fantastic emails, as always!


All this, and more, only in Episode 102!


Executive Producers:
Jorge Torres!

Our Sponsors:

SHOW SPONSOR - Devin Laschinski (YouTube: James Holian (@InfinityMuseum) Matt Sonnenberg (@SCLMatt) from and Micheal O'Driscoll (@amiibo_Museum) Christopher Long (@clong83), from Long’s Toys. Check out his YouTube page as well! Evan, TheLoneGoldfish (@TheLoneGoldfish). Watch him play games at

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