My goal with this episode was not only to highlight some dangers associated with ultrasounds, but I also aimed to teach how to read a study.

Throughout this episode, I will be reading through a study titled: "Effect of transvaginal ultrasound on human chorionic villus cell apoptosis during pregnancy" . I highly recommend having it pulled up as I read along.

About the Study

One of the most telling parts of the study was that they found a programmed cell death rate of 76.89% in the placenta after being exposed to a 30 minute ultrasound. On the other hand, the control group (no ultrasound) had a placental cell death rate of 16.79%.

This particular study only included 60 women, so it doesn't definitely prove anything. However, more and more science is starting to point toward the fact that these routine procedures may not be as safe as they are portrayed.

While I'm not saying women should have zero ultrasounds during a pregnancy, after reading this study, I don't think they should be done willy nilly every month just to see a picture of the baby.

In any case, this is a decision I believe every women is capable of making herself. This is why I also aimed to teach how to read scientific studies in general so each mother can come to her own informed decision.


Dangers associated with ultrasounds

What is generally in each section of a scientific study What a p value is What to look for in a study to determine if it is valid Safer alternatives to a transvaginal ultrasound


Find the host on Instagram @chemistkarma Referenced study: "Effect of transvaginal ultrasound on human chorionic villus cell apoptosis during pregnancy" Save 10% at Treat Yourself Inc. with code: toxinfree Use this link to save $10 off your order at Branch Basics