This episode was basically a re-cap of the documentary called Microbirth. It opened my eyes so much to the importance of a natural birth and breastfeeding and taking the right precautions when a C-section is necessary (also peep Episode 9 of this podcast where Tay explains her birth plan for when she had to have a C-section). 

It also reminded me of how much cooperation goes on in nature and not everything is all "survival-of-the-fittest" as it's hyped up to be. However, when one thing goes out of balance, it sets off a cascade of effects, and everything feels the ramifications in some way. *spoiler alert* antibiotics majorly cause an imbalance to a once perfect ecosystem.

During the episode I also discuss:

Why epigenetics actually means we can take our power back  The importance of bacterial ecosystems to our survival How we are 90% microbial and 10% mamalian How we evolved with bacteria to form a 'symbiotic superorganism'  How having a greater microbial diversity makes you less susceptible to both chronic illness and communicable diseases such as the flu. How antibiotic use can affect brain function in children due to the gut brain connection

Again, I highly recommend checking out the documentary Microbirth, it was definitely a wealth of information and put together the story perfectly.


Find Microbirth here Tay can be found on Instagram and at her website You can find me on Instagram @chemistkarma and my website