In this episode of the Toxin Free Mom To Be podcast, we have Jessica on to talk about ways to avoid one of the most toxic substances we are all exposed to daily - Round Up.

This is the number one pesticide used worldwide and is found in the air, on food, in tampons, vaccines, teas, coffee, and just about anywhere else you least expect it.

Sadly, Jessica's daughter got a rare form of non-Hodgkins lymphoma from exposure to the product so she is now very familiar with ways to avoid it, as well as, how to detox it out of the body (which we discuss in-depth during this episode.)

She also regularly shares health and wellness tips of all sorts over on her instagram @momcologist_on_a_mission (I highly recommend following her! She posts lots of info you don't want to miss out on.)

Interestingly, her daughter got the same rare form of cancer as Dewayne Lee Johnson, who was just awarded nearly $80 million dollars by a California jury. They ruled that Monsanto's product, Round Up, not only caused his cancer but they did so with 'malice', meaning the company was fully aware of the problems its' product could cause.

This is definitely an episode you won't wanna miss out on!

Additional Resources:

Dr. Seneff, an MIT senior researcher, shares the devastating effects of Glyphosate (Round Up)

STUDY: Glyphosate based- herbicide exposure affects gut microbiota, anxiety and depression-like behaviors in mice.

SCIENTIFIC REVIEW: Environmental and health effects of the herbicide glyphosate.

SCIENTIFIC ARTICLE: The need for independent research on the health effects of glyphosate-based herbicides

The In Vitro Impact of the Herbicide Roundup on Human Sperm Motility and Sperm Mitochondria