Have you ever wondered what a home birth is like? Maybe you know you want one but you don't know what to expect or how to plan one. Maybe the whole idea sounds crazy to you and you're wondering why anyone would want to do that.

Wherever you sit with the idea of home birth, this episode is a must-listen!

I had the pleasure of interviewing Tay Winterstein, a mom who has experienced both a hospital birth via C-section as well as a home birth vaginally.

She gave us the low down on the difference between both experiences and some of the biggest lessons labour taught her.

During the episode we discuss:

The importance of a birth plan and important things to consider adding into your own Why babies born via C-section should be seeded with the mother's microbiome, or swabbed with the mother's vaginal bacteria to replicate a vaginal birth Why private midwives can be so valuable Birth/labour affirmations The two "M's" to focus on before getting pregnant: mitochondria and the microbiome How even seemingly small birth traumas can affect us into adulthood (which is another reason birth plans are so vital) The energetic change that happens once you become a mother


Tay's website: https://tayswaymovement.com.au/ Tay's instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tays_way_/ Microbirth documentary: http://microbirth.com/