The Townhall Review – September 16, 2017
Michael Medved takes a close look at the 60 Minutes interview between Steve Bannon, the former White House Chief Strategist and executive chairman of Breitbart News, and Charlie Rose of CBS. Mike Gallagher invited former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich on his show to explain the prospect of Trump betraying his own to help fund the recovery efforts, post Hurricane Harvey and Irma. Mark Lilla of Columbia University and author of, “The Once and Future Liberal,” joined Michael Medved to discuss varying political identities and how they can become a way of looking at the world. Guy Benson of turned to David French of the National Review to discuss sexual assault and the abandonment of due process on the college campus. Dennis Prager speaks with Evergreen State College Biology Professor Bret Weinstein about the joke college campuses are making themselves out to be. Ben Shapiro, Founder of the Daily Wire, shares with Mike Gallagher about his upcoming event at Cal Berkley’s chapter of the “Young America’s Foundation.” Michael Medved invites Douglas Murray to answer questions from his new book, “The Strange Death of Europe.” Finally, Hugh Hewitt interviews a special consultant in nuclear security, Jim Talent, about the miniature nuclear warheads that North Korea now processes.

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