Townhall Review – January 6, 2024

John Solomon turns to Walid Phares, a Middle East advisor to former President Trump, to discuss the Israeli strike that took out Saleh al-Arouri in Beirut. 

Hugh Hewitt talks with Wisconsin Representative Mike Gallager about the Biden Administration-sponsored disaster at the southern border and what Republicans can do to fix it. 

Victor Davis Hanson and co-host Sami Winc discuss the DEI victim mentality that persists with Claudine Gay, who was pressured to resign amidst numerous plagiarism claims and her handling of anti-Semitic protests on campus. 

Hugh Hewitt and Pete Peterson, Dean of Pepperdine’s Graduate School of Public Policy, discuss the reason for the mass exodus from California. 

Hugh talks with Dan Senor of the “Call Me Back” podcast and author of “The Genius of Israel” to talk about how the October 7 attack from Hamas changed everything for Israelis.

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