Townhall Review – January 27, 2024

Joe Piscopo turned to Hogan Gidley—who served as deputy press secretary under Trump to discuss the significance of Donald Trump winning both Iowa and New Hampshire, traditionally challenging for Republicans, showcasing Trump's unique appeal and influence within the GOP.

Mark Davis and Texas Senator John Cornyn discuss the actions taken by Texas Governor Abbott to secure the border using the Texas National Guard, while the Biden administration is doing all it can to keep the border open.

Hugh Hewitt questions Tennessee Senator Marsha Blackburn about why the Republican Party would compromise on border legislation, expressing concern about the lack of border security provisions in the proposal, in particular a border wall.

Hugh Hewitt and Arkansas Senator Tom Cotton criticize the Biden administration's shift on Israel, attributing it to Biden's loss of political support among the far-left anti-Semitic wing of the Democratic Party.

Joe Piscopo and Lt. Col. Robert Maginnis discuss the significance of U.S. military bases being attacked by terrorists, arguing that the Biden administration's Middle East strategy has encouraged Iranian aggression.

Victor Davis Hanson and Kash Patel, who served as Chief of Staff to Acting Secretary of Defense Christopher Miller in the Trump administration, discuss Iran funding terror and why Biden's designation of the Houthi Rebels as Specially Designated Global Terrorists is largely useless. 

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