Townhall Review – March 16, 2024

Dan Proft and Amy Jacobson invite Richard Epstein of the University of Chicago Law School to discuss the treatment of Robert Her, emphasizing the lack of concern for truth and focusing solely on political implications. Epstein condemns the partisan warfare and debasement of language in political discourse, urging both sides to prioritize policy issues over rambunctious outbursts.

Hugh Hewitt and Andrew McCarthy, a former federal prosecutor in New York, discuss the future trial of former President Trump, predicting a biased jury selection process and advising Trump on his demeanor during the trial. McCarthy suggests that Trump may use the trial as a platform to speak out against what he perceives as a show trial and election interference.

Dennis Prager invites Peter Schweizer, author of: “Blood Money: Why the Powerful Turn a Blind Eye While China Kills Americans,” to discuss China's responsibility for millions of American deaths due to actions including COVID-19, fentanyl trafficking, and violence facilitation. Schweizer suggests China's withholding of information and manipulation of data were deliberate strategies to maximize the impact of the pandemic and promote their own model of disease control.

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