Townhall Review – February 1, 2020

Hugh Hewitt and Arizona Congresswoman Debbie Lesko, part of Trump’s impeachment defense legal team, talk about the possibility of John Bolton being called to testify.

Dennis Prager talks with our ambassador to Israel David Friedman about President Trump’s Middle East peace initiative.

Hugh Hewitt turns to retired U. S. Air Force Colonel Randall Larsen, now the National Security Advisor for the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, for his take on how we’re handling the coronavirus outbreak.

Joe Piscopo talks with former New York Assemblyman Dov Hikind about why we should remember the Holocaust 75 years after Allied Forces liberated the German concentration camp at Auschwitz.

Larry Elder talks with author and investigative journalist Peter Schweizer about the Biden family in his book, “Profiles in Corruption.”

Dennis Prager talks with Christopher Caldwell about his book, “The Age of Entitlement.”

Sebastian Gorka and James Delingpole, of Breitbart London, about Britain officially leaving the European Union.

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