Townhall Review – September 26, 2020

Hugh Hewitt talks with Texas Senator Ted Cruz about panic in the Democrat party over the selection of a replacement Supreme Court justice for Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

Sebastian Gorka and historian Victor Davis Hansen examine the motives of the Democratic party and how they are using the death of Ginsburg to speed up their radical agenda.

Hugh Hewitt and Indiana Senator Mike Braun explain how the GOP can’t miss this opportunity to add a conservative justice to the Supreme Court.

Joe Piscopo talks with Alan Dershowitz about the Democrat’s attack on potential Supreme Court nominee Judge Amy Barrett’s Catholic faith.

Hugh Hewitt talks with Tennessee Senator Marsha Blackburn about the absence of the Democrats of old and the radical new blood taking their place.

Larry Elder discusses the dilemma Democrats face today after they enacted the filibuster-killing nuclear option in 2013.

Mike Gallagher looks at the incumbent and the challenger in the fast-approaching Presidential race.

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