Town Square with Ernie Manouse airs at 3 p.m. CT. Tune in on 88.7FM, listen online or subscribe to the podcast. Join the discussion at 888-486-9677, [email protected] or @townsquaretalk.

I know, it can be hard to keep up with headlines … especially in Texas.

This week, a COVID outbreak shut down one Texas town.

And yesterday, the Governor announced a ban on vaccine mandates.

Rice University also recently said that a testing glitch led to false positives.

And in other news – is someone, somewhere working on a PAN-coronavirus vaccine that could protect us from future pandemics?

Today, experts are here to explain those and other COVID developments.

Plus, is Tropical Depression 9 headed for Louisiana … or Texas?

We’ll get the latest on the potential hurricane – and how you should be preparing.


Dr. Kirstin Matthews

Fellow in Science and Technology Policy at Rice University’s Baker Institute

 Dr. Susan McLellan

Medical Director of the Biocontainment Treatment Unit
Director of Biosafety for Research-related Infectious Pathogens at UTMB Health

Jeff Lindner

Meteorologist and Director of Flood Operations, Harris County Flood Control

Town Square with Ernie Manouse is a gathering space for the community to come together and discuss the day’s most important and pressing issues.

Audio from today's show will be available after 5 p.m. CT. We also offer a free podcast here, on iTunes, and other apps.

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