Town Square with Ernie Manouse airs at 3 p.m. CT. Tune in on 88.7FM, listen online or subscribe to the podcast. Join the discussion at 888-486-9677, [email protected] or @townsquaretalk.

In a historic move, the Supreme Court ruled to strike down the use of affirmative action in college admissions, a long-standing precedent that has benefited Black and Latino students in higher education.

For the full hour, Charles “Rocky” Rhodes, Professor of Law at South Texas College of Law Houston and Craig Jackson, Professor of Law at Texas Southern University join us to share their perspectives on this court ruling.

They weigh in on how the decision will change the landscape of higher education, what effect this ruling will have in schools across the nation, and the reactions we’re seeing so far.

In reference to a comment made during the show, the caller Jeff wrote in to clarify that he "was being 100% facetious," with his comment. 


Charles “Rocky” Rhodes

Professor of Law, South Texas College of Law Houston

Craig Jackson

Professor of Law, Thurgood Marshall School of Law, Texas Southern University

Town Square with Ernie Manouse is a gathering space for the community to come together and discuss the day’s most important and pressing issues.

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