Town Square with Ernie Manouse airs at 3 p.m. CT. Tune in on 88.7FM, listen online or subscribe to the podcast. Join the discussion at 888-486-9677, [email protected] or @townsquaretalk.

On March 10th, Governor Abbot lifted COVID restrictions in Texas. State requirements to wear masks were lifted, and businesses and facilities have been allowed to open to 100% capacity. School districts and teacher's unions have pushed back against the lift. We hear from the president of the Texas State Teachers Association who shares what educators are dealing with in their schools since the mandate lift.

Then, an infectious disease epidemiologist answers COVID questions and concerns, including how Texas is moving forward from the pandemic and breakthrough infections.

And the sudden, heavy downpours caught a lot of us off guard. We speak to chief Space City Weather meteorologist, Eric Berger who walks us through what is happening with the weather.


Ovidia Molina

President of the Texas State Teachers Association

Dr. Catherine Troisi

An infectious disease epidemiologist and faculty member

at UTHealth School of Public Health

Eric Berger

Meteorologist and managing editor for Space City Weather

Town Square with Ernie Manouse is a gathering space for the community to come together and discuss the day’s most important and pressing issues.

Audio from today's show will be available after 5 p.m. CT. We also offer a free podcast here, on iTunes, and other apps.

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