3 Books That Changed Us

In this episode Ryan Joyce and Graeme Reed talk about Art of Magic Exhibit, Forbes Houdini Article, AGT & 3 Magic Books That Changed our Careers.

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Video Clip of Week: Greg Frewin


Magic Headlines *New AGO exhibit: *illusions: The Art of Magic*, takes visitors back to the golden age of magic, when the likes of Harry Houdini and The Incomparable Albini were considered household names.


Talks - women in magic - Adelaide Herman

Forbes: What The Great Houdini Can Teach Us About Selling


AGT Champions Finale



The Avengers Of Magic Hit AGT The Champions Finale Tonight

Reddit Drama with “What’s the best trick you’ve learned for free on YouTube?”

Did you watch the Houdini series with Adrian Brody?

What do you think of the idea of a Doug Henning Documentary?

Blackpool happened this weekend! Blackpool is the largest magic convention in the world Criss Angel is confirmed for 2021 Magic Sound Clip of the Week:  Bernardo (New Material)  Magic Reddit How to know when to approach people while eating at a restaurant?

Some people can act like they're having fun and then quick snap, also others tell me to come back.. I understand people came to sit down and eat and visit. What are some tips to avoid disrupting people vs. Interjecting a entertaining? (Posted by u/apollo_sage)

Link: https://www.reddit.com/r/Magic/comments/f6i94k/how_to_know_when_to_approach_people_while_eating/

Instagram Question:

Kingston Magic Theatre asks:

"For myself and others who are interested in learning how would one go about targeting a specific demographic?

3 tips for Booking More Shows Stand out with a unique brand Focus 1-3 Social Media Platforms Define your target audience Why does Penn like writing his first fiction book AND what magician he included in the book?-  (47) 3 Books That Changed our Magic Careers

Ryan’s Books

Illustrated Magic - Ottokar Fischer Penn & Teller: How to Play in Traffic - Penn Jillette & Teller Foundations - Eberhard Riese

Greame’s Books

The Art of Astonishment Vol 1 - Paul Harris Show Doctor - Jeff McBride Vortex - Tom Stone

Thanks for listening to Magicians Talking Magic Podcast!