A different kind of episode this week. After hearing from Touretters on the Tourette's Podcast Answering Machine, we talk Tourette science and medicine with one of the best -- Dr. John Walkup, Chair of the Pritzker Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Health at the Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children's Hospital in Chicago, Illinois. We get his backstory, how he wandered into Tourette as a focus, and then we cover the most frequently asked question submitted to Tourette's Podcast -- what's the lowdown on marijuana as a Tourette treatment? Valid? Problematic? Needs work? Let's circle up and learn. In the second half of the episode, we talk anxiety science -- what's going on in our brains when we feel it? What's the use of it? Where can we take it? Hugely thankful to have Dr. Walkup guide us through.

Tourette's Podcast is made possible with the support of the Tourette Association of America.

Dr. John Walkup 

Tourette Association of America (give your support!) 

TAA position on medical marijuana 

Virtual Conference May 15 and 16 

Virtual Quilt 

Geeks Rising