In one sentence: Unlocking new mRNA treatments will save lives, but it's not as simple as that.
Jake Becraft of Strand Therapeutics is an expert in designing and programming mRNA, critical strands of genetic material that provide instructions for making proteins. As one suite of tools in the emerging synthetic biology toolkit, mRNA is a twenty-first century harbinger of life. 

Yet, with all powerful tools, there are risks of accidental or intentional misuse. It is this shared responsibility among the scientific, private, and public realms that Becraft advocates for thoughtful, anticipatory stewardship of these influential technologies. Stunningly, it's no longer science fiction to consider pre-making vast numbers of vaccines for every conceivable pandemic vector and their mutations. This, the 'Manhattan project for vaccines', is a matter of national defense, Becraft argues.

We are joined by contributing expert Malvika V. Miller for an episode featuring a wide-ranging discussion on synbio, STEM advocacy, national security policy, and more.

Topic Timecodes
[01:04] What Strand Therapeutics does
[03:24] Using messenger RNA technology for cancer and other rare diseases
[07:20] What is unique about Strand’s tech and its therapeutic delivery mechanism
[11:31] Targeting mechanism for constantly-changing heterogenous targets
[16:18] Biohacking and open-source science
[20:32] Biohacking security and regulation
[24:46] Increasing importance of biotech security
[29:33] Starting Strand Therapeutics
[32:14] mRNA vs. DNA
[35:38] Current challenges of synthetic biology field
[37:56] Prioritizing at Strand across many use cases of mRNA, a platform therapeutic
[40:41] Making medical developments more efficient and quicker
[42:28] Cancer as a key focus at Strand & strategy outlook
[43:20] Different perceptions of justifiable speed in developing consumer products vs. biotech
[46:23] Perception that COVID-19 vaccine was “rushed” & trusting regulatory agencies
[50:22] “Manhattan Project for vaccines”
[57:13] Who supports and pays for such a defense project

Show Notes

Episode page, transcript, and podcast listening links: Becraft on LinkedIn: V. Miller on LinkedIn: Therapeutics (company): National Strategy for Synthetic Biology (publication): with your favorite podcast service: this show on Youtube: