This is someone's recent reaction to witnessing today's Tough Talks guest for the very first time: “WHO is this raw mass of unbridled brown energy, seething with sweat and love, this oozing cloud of kinetic inspiration dripping with openness and laughter?


It’s ASHOK!"


Have you ever been around someone who simply radiates high vibes all the time? Have you ever met someone who truly believes that NOTHING bad ever happens to them? Have you been in the presence of a person whose energy is so rich that you simply want to know them and be around them more? Ask this guy what he's on. He's got a great answer. Well, I asked him for you, and you'll love his response. Feel this dude's vibe. Really pay attention to that. That's his gift to us today.


Email Address: [email protected]

Facebook and IG: ashok.thakur.3194

His book: "Infinite Love, Finite Life" is on Amazon



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