How has my life been impacted because of the world that I live in? How do I want to impact the world because I have lived in it?


These are the questions that today’s Tough Talks guest, Dr. J’Lein Liese, has committed her life to challenging people across the globe to answer. Dr. Liese is an international expert in leadership, strategy execution, communication, change management, and conflict resolution. She works extensively in acute-conflict areas. Most recently, in the Middle East and previously throughout Africa.

The bottom line, really, is that J’Lein is a global servant and her mission is to have us live together peacefully and productively.


J’Lein is about as interesting a person as you can ever meet. She’s a master of distinctions. And that all comes through abundantly clearly, as usual, in this fascinating dialog during which we touch upon:

9:00 – The distinction between Attachment and Preference and how this distinction can govern our happiness
17:30 – The magic of Mirror Neurons en route to a gorilla trek in Uganda
20:00 – The difference between Positive and Negative Resilience and the importance of putting a Positive Resiliency practice in your life to avoid becoming depressed or becoming a victim thinker
31:00 – The beauty and blessing of Neuroplasticity and how huge change doesn’t need to take forever
32:45 – The 5 Step Process of changing your inner stories (capitalizing upon that neuroplasticity) and freeing yourself from old restrictive thought patterns


J’Lein is a true genius and a gift to the world in which we live. I know you’ll love her and enjoy this poignant discussion.




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