Belgian golfer Liliane Cambré smiles and chats with her fellow golfers on the clubhouse terrace. Her relaxed politeness belies at first the adventurous spirit that has long been within her, and perhaps more lately the courage she has had to draw upon. The other G4D (golf for the disabled) players at Vila Sol for the EDGA Algarve Open clearly respect her and enjoy talking to Liliane. She tells us: “We must always enjoy it, that’s what we are here for.”   

At these EDGA events Liliane says she is always impressed by the players and their will to perform well on the course but also have a great time together after the round. This also serves to remind her that the serious accident with the truck in 2017 could have been so much worse for her. “The spirit here, it gives you energy,” says Liliane. “Meeting up in something we all love.”

Enjoy Liliane’s story with EDGA here.