Sufiya worked in the aviation industry for almost 10 years before she started her running career in 2017 when she ran her first half marathon in Delhi.    After starting running and realising the benefits for her health, it became her passion and she decided to quit her job and focus full time on running. Sufiya has combined her passion for running while promoting her message of HOPE (Humanity, Oneness, Peace, Equality) through her runs.   Sufiya is now a professional ultra-runner with three years of experience in ultra-running and long run expeditions.   In 2018, Sufiya became the fastest female to complete the Great Indian Golden Triangle Run (720 km in 16 days) and entered the India Book of Records.    Taking forward her message of ‘HOPE’, Sufiya took on her next big challenging by deciding to run from Kashmir to Kanyakumari. She completed the run of 4,000 km in just 87 days in 2019 entered the Guinness Book of World Records!    Sufiya shares more about her running journey and the challenges she has faced and overcome and also provides advice and top tips to help you with your running.    Listen to Sufiya now as she shares her story on the Tough Girl Podcast   New episodes go live every Tuesday and Thursday at 7am UK time - Make sure you hit the subscribe button so you don’t miss out.    The Tough Girl Podcast is sponsorship and ad free thanks to the monthly financial support of patrons. To find out more about supporting your favourite podcast and becoming a patron please check out   Show notes Not using a surname Living in Delhi and working as a member of the ground staff at the Delhi International Airport for 10 years Leaving her job in 2018 Wanting to make a change in her life How her job was affecting her health Getting into running in 2017 Taking part in marathons and wanting to explore more places Running her first ultra marathon 52km Running The Golden Triangle which connects 3 main cities of India (Delhi, Agra and Jaipur) 2018 - “Run for Humanity and Run for Peace” - spreading good vibes and positivity Not coming from a sports background Deciding to run from Kashmir to Kanyakumari in 2019 in 87 days Having to choose between her job and running - choosing running! Not being financially strong and starting crowd funding Defining HOPE - (Humanity, Oneness, Peace, & Equality) 2021 - Running the Indian Golden Quadrilateral Road (6000 km in 110 days, 23 hours) Why running is like meditation Running as a woman in India  Getting lots of support from the local people  Being very positive Being inspired by her parents Being inspired by Michelle Kakade who ran the Golden Quadrilateral in 194 days  Logistics of The Great Indian Triangle Run Running on a small budget  How her body coped with running 45km everyday Feeling tired and exhausted Not having a coach and not being strong Dealing with an IT Band injury Doing yoga and meditation and working on having a positive mind Paying for her running and lifestyle Struggling to get sponsorship and dealing with financial problems Having 6 months to train for the Kashmir to Kanyakumari run (4,000km) People helped by the people while on the road Dealing with a collapsed lung and ending up in the hospital for 5 days Not being able to stand up Dealing with bad traffic, pollution and construction works Why it was more than running and a world record Her mission and message of HOPE - (Humanity, Oneness, Peace, & Equality) Wanting to contribute to her country  Nutrition and not following a proper diet while on the run Eating the local food and taking protein powder, and BCAA during expeditions Running in the heat and the humidity of India Feeling happy with her life and the decisions she’s made Planning a big project for 2023/2024 - Running around the world and planning the route Hell Race - running 500 km in 5 days at elevation Needing to acclimatise her body and spend time in the mountains Being active on social media Filming all of her runs and sharing them on Youtube Final worlds of advice to motivate and inspire you The power of believing in yourself   Social Media   Instagram: @sufiyasufirunner   Facebook:    Twitter: @sufirunner    Youtube: SufiyaandVikasWorld   

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