Myself and Emma Timmis headed off to run Hadrian’s Wall at the end of August and I wanted to share more of the story with you. So whilst I was away I thought about what the best way to do this was. 

Although my interviews are very informal and relaxed they do take me a long time to edit. At the moment I don’t have the capacity to edit two full podcast episodes a week. So instead, as a compromise I thought I’d upload a raw, unedited conversation of what my previous guests have been up to since we last spoke. 

So in essence…..Tough Girl Extra is an extra podcast episode that will be happening on an adhoc basic, it’s going to be released on a Thursday #ToughGirlThursday at 7am UK time.

This is a new style for me and I would love to get your feedback. Please do let me know what you think. You can either comment below, send me an e-mail ([email protected]) or send me a DM on twitter @_TOUGH_GIRL

I hope you enjoy!



What Tough Girl Extra is! Catching up with Emma Timmis & what’s she's been up to since we last spoke in August 2015 The costs of her three months Dolomites trip What the Australian Alpine Walking Track is and why she decided to do it Loneliness, hallucinating, and getting lost and seeing a side of Australia that she didn’t know existed Carrying half her body weight in her pack! Her 2 month adventure in Malawi Planning our Hadrian’s Wall trip & how it all came about Our training or lack of training for the challenge! Why you don’t necessarily need to do a huge amount of planning for challenges Having support verses doing independent challenges What we took! (You can also watch my packing video on Youtube) Deciding which way to run - East to West or West to East Starting at Wallsend on the west coast and why it was the best decision Day 1 memories! Camping at Robin Hood Inn for 2 nights for £5 per night! The tent getting flooded!! Day 2 challenges  Navigation on Hadrian’s Wall Path Toilet talk!! What we forgot to take with us! Camping along the route or not? Day packs and what we carried while we ran including the spot tracker Answering questions from the Tribe Poles or no poles - that's the question! Emma’s next challenge!


Watch our daily vlogs from our Hadrian’s Wall adventure on youtube 


Check out Emma’s Website Here 

To listen to the previous episode with Emma Timmis - CLICK HERE



A massive thank you to everyone who has become a patron! You too can support the Tough Girl Podcast from $2 to $5 per month!  CLICK HERE!


Future Events!

7th October - Tough Girl Tribe Social, Bristol

8th October - Women in Adventure Expo, Bristol

22nd - 23rd October - Yestival (I'm going to be speaking!!! Come along and say hi!)



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