Carla in her own words:   I am an elite ultra runner, running coach and adventurer who seeks out events that are slightly harder than the average. I love pushing my body to the limits by running a long way, up mountains, around islands and recently running the length of Great Britain from Land’s End to John O’Groats and setting a new ladies World Record along the way. It’s safe to say that I have caught the ‘micro-adventure’ and exploration bug.   I have represented Great Britain at the 100km World Championships and I currently compete for Team Massmart, an elite woman’s running team based in South Africa.    With my experience in sport from grass roots to elite level, my degree in Science in Health, Exercise and Sport, UK Athletics Coaching, Personal Training and Sports Massage qualifications I love to work with aspiring runners and athletes to get the best out of themselves and push their boundaries!   I am happiest when on the trails carrying out my own adventure be that running around Mont Blanc or running the length of Great Britain. There is something magical about planning your own journey and going on an adventure.   During this episode Carla shares more about her passion for running, and goes into detail about the training, planning and preparation for her most recent challenge running the length of Great Britain from Land’s End to John O’Groats which she did in a record breaking time of 12 days, 30 mins and 14 seconds.   New episodes of the Tough Girl Podcast go live every Tuesday and Thursday at 7am UK time! Make sure you subscribe so you don’t miss out!   The tough girl podcast is sponsorship and ad free thanks to the monthly financial support of patrons. To find out more about supporting your favourite podcast and becoming a patron please check out     Show notes Reflecting back on her childhood and growing up sporty Her passion for running Getting into adventure in her lat 20s Wanting to do an ultra marathon Combining running with mountains Not knowing many people in the ultra running world Being inspired by Mimi Anderson Making a change from an office job to a running coach Wanting to run from Land’s End to John O’Groats (LEJOG) Getting the full support team together in April 2020 Deciding to go for it in 2020 Making a list of everything she needed 3 months of planning and preparation  Funding the challenge via sponsorship and crowd funding Having a stress fracture in April 2019 Physical training and preparation  Mental preparation Accepting that it was going to be difficult and hurt Being concerned about injury Getting to the start line Managing stress Having to run 70 miles per day Food and nutrition during the run Making sure to eat something every 30 mins Bodily functions - Poo & periods! Why sleeping was so painful Not wanting to get out of the bed in the morning The magical moment on the run (not the finish!) Struggling to run at the end and dealing with injury Lessons learned from the run and why you can do so much more than you think you can Future dreams and ambitions… Running around Great Britain?! Final words of advice to encourage you to take up running   Social Media   Website    Instagram @carlamolinaro   Strava -