Bex started out with her blog, The Ordinary Adventurer, in 2016 and a year later founded Love Her Wild. In just over a year, she grew the community to over 5,000. Her blog now receives over 10,000 visitors a month and she regularly delivers talks and sell-out expeditions. She was shortlisted for TGO personality of the year 2017 and made the 2018 San Miguel Rich List.

Since we last spoke with Bex in 2017, Bex has gone on to do numerous challenges and expeditions, which have included; kick scooting the length of the United States from Vancouver in Canada to Mexico, hikes in Israel, climbing mountains in India and eco trips in Africa.

During this podcast Bex shares more about her adventures, the issues of fundraising, getting sponsorship, how she handles the stress of being on the road and making decisions, and why after 3 years she has decided to have a permanent base for a while.  

Show notes

Where is Bex currently? Kicking the States! 1750 miles from Canada to Mexico on a scooter! Putting personal adventures on hold Doing a big challenge which hadn’t been done before Deciding to fundraise for charity Heading off in May and not having much time to prepare Having to share your trip on social media Feeling under pressure Getting the trip sponsored by Vivo Life The pressure and challenges of fundraising  Why raising $10,000 is one of the proudest moment of her life The challenges she faced on the road Legs & scooting!! The John Wayne Joke! Her scooter muscle!! Having a 3 month visa The unknown factors and trying not to stress about it Going back to the start of the trip in Vancouver Handling the uncertainty and getting use to it  Doing an expedition with her husband - Gil Finishing the challenge and the relief she felt and being ready for it to be over What happened after the end of the challenge Heading off to India and leading a hike in Israel What Love her Wild is and how it came about “The Everest Adventure” The gap for all female expeditions So many different expeditions to choose from! Focusing on conservation and being environmentally friendly as possible Working with whale sharks in Tanzania! Going on an adventure with Cal Major and Holly Hughes (who have both been on the Tough Girl Podcast!) The problems she faced on the hike Handling the issues and problems and how she handled them Doing what she needs to do  Deciding to change from being nomadic Going to move to Bristol Why travelling stopped being fun Why normal living is not a negative thing Deciding on Bristol and why it was a quick decision Plans for 2019! Where to connect with Love Her Wild Advice and tips for other women to find their wild


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