During this podcast we speak to Kat and Bettina about solo female travel in Asia and Africa, what it’s like being location independent, how they met and why they decided to create Aurora Wild Women of the World.

More about their mission with Aurora Wild Women:

“A mission to bring back the knowledge of the female wisdom from the depths of Africa, the continent of the heart, the birthplace of the Sapiens.  Engage with its medicine women. Visit its sacred spaces where rituals were performed, generation after generation. Bring back our learnings to a world that is re-learning to honour mother earth, care for her and care for each other. The world as we know it is changing, shifting, from a patriarchal system that is becoming obsolete, to a balanced union between the masculine and the feminine. Our aim is to do our bit to bring the balance back.”

Bettina Guirkinger

Fascinated with "why people do what they do", Bettina has been engaged in a 10 year-long exploration of human nature - including her own! - Which has taken her to the four corners of the world in an attempt to figure out what it is that makes us truly human & alive. Half-french half-colombian, Bettina grew up in France, Belgium, Benin and Peru before pursuing her studies in international relations in England. Today Bettina manages her company Explore Your Elements from Cape Town in South Africa 

Kat Scriven

“A traveller, a wishful thinker. I dream to call the world my home. A writer, a designer. Inspired by the little things. An african heart but a wandering soul. A goddess-warrior. A beautiful mess. Kundalini yoga teacher.” 

Show notes

Speaking to Bettina - living a nomadic life and now living in Europe Speaking to Kat - spending 10 years travelling the world How Bettina got into travelling and how her parents impacted on her life Being curious to meet new people and to engage with new cultures How Kat got into travelling and why travel is her greatest passion Solo travel in South East Asia and South America Practical advice for other female travellers Awareness and going with the flow Why you should trust your gut and develop your feminine intuition  How you can work on and develop your feminine intuition  How Kat and Bettina met in the desert in South Africa Afrika Burn Building a giant structure in the middle of the desert Attending Afrika Burn in 2016 after going through a massive heartbreak Deciding to move to South Africa and wanting to contribute to the festival by building it What the festival is like Bettina and how she made changes to her life How the idea for Auora Wild Women of the Word came about 2018 the year of the divine feminine and figuring out what it means to be a powerful woman What it means to Bettina to be a powerful women How the trip through Africa evolved Digging into the detail - the car, the trip, the plan What life was like on the road The women they met along the way How they decided to document the conversations they had with the women What they have learned from the women they have spoken to and why it comes back to Love Why this project is just the beginning Plans for the future and where they would like to take the project - the 3 year vision Wanting to go to Asia How they are funding the trip


Social Media

Aurora Wild Women

Facebook - @aurorawildwomen 

Instagram  - @aurorawildwomen 


Bettina Guirkinger

Website -  www.exploreyourelements.com 


Kat Scriven 

Website - https://thesaltyseawench.wordpress.com 

Instagram - @katscriv  

Twitter - @KatScriven 

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