Alison North is a married mother to two girls, (We interviewed her older daughter Lorna from “Queen of the Mile” last week on the podcast!), she’s also a business women, and can now call herself an ultra runner!

During this episode we learn more about Alison, what drives her and why she decided to put her trainers on at 64 and start running. 

We learn more about her mental resilience and why she wants to encourage more women and men to take up fitness when they hit their sixties.

Its never to late to start but its always too late to wait! #66notout

Show notes

Growing up in Aberdeen Having children late for her generation Being an older mother and how it kept her fit Having the support of her husband and how it helped her work life balance Growing up as a healthy family  Getting the mothers perspective on daughters going off on adventures Why she decided to take up running again at 64 Deciding to do the a 100K Race - The Race to the Stones! How her walking progressed to running and how she amazed herself! Dealing with the negative comments about her age when she decided to do this challenge Being diagnosed with breast cancer in 1998 What drives her to want to prove people wrong Why you need to “pull yourself into yourself” The two types of women in their sixties who run Why you need to squat and why you need to have strong legs What the race to the stones is - and why its a good starter race What cut off times are Race tactics and her strategy The importance of good socks and shoes Feeling stronger and better at 80km than she did at 50km What she’s learned while ultra running and why its the distance for her Starting to plateau and why she needed to change her training  How running has impacted on her life - for positive and negative reasons Learning to burn fat more efficiently, but still having carbs On line communities Advice for women who do want to take up running! Raising money for Charing Cross Hospital and why its so important

Say hi to Alison on Twitter @alison8north    


Charity - Friends of Charing Cross Hospital

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