Abbi is adventurous, fun, loves being outside and can not sit still! She loves being in the open air, and strives for everyday big and small adventures. Abbi encourages others to get outside and to get active she does this as both a hobby and a job; her job as an expedition leader and outdoor instructor, sees her travel a lot taking groups of adults and children on challenge expeditions it also allows her to teach bushcraft and survival skills to all types of people. 

In 2017 Abbi set herself a HUGE challenge, to take part in 30 endurance events over 2018 to raise money and awareness for the charity Young Minds. During this podcast we learn more from Abbi about her life the challenges she has faced and overcome and what she has learned on the way

*** Please note during this episode we do talk about eating disorders, mental health and suicide - we do not go into specific but please be aware these subjects are mentioned ***

Show notes

Loving the outdoors, being outside and being into health and fitness Not being able to sit still Loving to learn and studying for her Masters Growing up in Dartmoor in the South West of the UK Deciding to be an expedition leader Meeting her husband and how her path changed Training to be a teacher  Moving to the Isle of Man Going to Borneo as an Assistant Leader Finding out about the adventure industry Working with charities and helping children who have behavioural expeditions Getting into sporting challenges…  Why exercise wasn’t always a positive thing Recovery and having anxiety about food Being inspired at school to get outdoors Being in all boy teams Realising she liked ultra running Being booked on to the Thames Trot Ultra Marathon What she loves about ultra marathons Running a double marathon and managing to stay positive and out of the dark moments Deciding to do thirty4thirty Going back to December 2017 and how she was feeling before the start of the challenge Wanting to raise money for a mental health charity - Young Minds Sharing her story and sharing her past history Her first event - January 1st 2018! The Knacker Cracker What happens as the months went by Having a coach and working with Mark  69 mile ultra marathon and feeling emotional when no sponsorship came through Doing a 100 mile race and an ironman! Starting to feel tired towards the end of the year Being intimated by the ironman course How she has recovered between events Her nutrition while training  The final event and making it up herself Preparing for 2019 and taking time out to reflect on what she has achieved Hosting a charity ball in March 2019 for Young Minds What Abbi has learned from this year Advice and tips for you 

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Instagram: @abbi.naylor