Tough Girl Daily - 1st April  - Special Guest - Caroline Wellingham!

Finding out what happened for “Make it Happen - March” Being blown away by what people have achieved April goals What Caroline has leant from doing a weekly review Why writing down your goals is so important and having accountability will make you achieve what you want to  Caroline’s goals for March Doing her 5 mile run each week Why she decided to go on a 5 day detox KFC!! Being full of energy and making the healthy choices Her trip to South East Asia! Flying with Air Asia and getting cheap flights everywhere! £77 flights to the Maldives What she found hard in March The end of week review The e-mail which had the most impact Why it comes down to YOU!! How to keep your motivation levels up Having a clear vision for her future Having patience Having a very clear vision for my life What’s next…. The next challenge… 61 Days!! Will you be half way though your goals by half way through the year? Visit - Everyone is on their own journey, and not everyone will have the same goals April Goals for Caroline - business, Instagram, health & other stuff! Gary V - Document don’t create Sharing the amazing things she’s doing Having a photoshoot in the Maldives Making it a monthly thing to chat with Caroline!!