We’re kicking off 2021 with a brand new episode in our Behind the Screens series. Lockdown 3.0 is here, and homeschooling is back on the agenda. So, who better for Nic and Nat to sit down with than their home co-workers - ahem, kids - Timmy (8) and Alice (6)?

As Nic and Nat are married co-founders, the kids have inevitably been involved in and aware of the CookiesHQ journey through the years. Timmy and Alice share what they really think Mum and Dad do, how they rate homeschooling vs going to school, and whether they think they’ll be joining Cookies when they’re older.

And, kids being kids, they’re not afraid to ask the questions on everyone’s minds. Questions like:

Nic has proved he can build a website, even an agency, but would he be any good at building a building?
Is Nat’s job actually just like playing a big game of Monopoly?
How do we really know if Mum and Dad only do work for two hours a day and spend the rest of the time eating cake and chocolate?

This episode offers a child's-eye-view of what a tech agency does and takes a hilarious, yet touching and sincere look at the impact of lockdowns on working families, and the difficulty of balancing home-schooling and work responsibilities.