The Covid-19 pandemic continues to disrupt organisations across the globe. Business plans, forecasts and even products aren’t looking the same as they were when the year began. Goals we set for ourselves may have looked optimistic and achievable in January, and now look near impossible come July. Could using this midpoint in the year to compile a different set of goals help people regain a sense of control that was lost to lockdown turmoil?

Nic sets goals on a regular basis but lacks accountability and review. With CookiesHQ now on a steadier path than it was a few months ago, he’s found the headspace to look back on what he’d wanted to achieve this year. He particularly enjoys the satisfaction of forming new habits, and has found there’s an interesting parallel between shrinking your waistline and growing your business.

Nat is less rigid in her goal setting and points out that the 1st of January looks the same as 31st December to her. She tends to pick something she enjoys, such as mentoring, and aim to do more of it - which she has! Perhaps the secrets to her success lie in her famously neat notebook...

While people set goals and measure success in different ways, Nic and Nat agree that there’s a universal satisfaction in ending the day with a completed to-do list, meeting your KPIs or hitting that deadline. However, as 2020 has shown us, it’s just as important to be flexible with your goals when situations arise out of your control.

This is the fifth in a series of Behind the Screens episodes in which Nic and Nathalie will reflect on everything going on at CookiesHQ and look ahead to what’s on the horizon.

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CookiesHQ is a technical partner for mission-driven companies. Find out more about CookiesHQ here.

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