Who better for Nic to sit down with ahead of International Women’s Day 2020 than Zara Nanu from GapSquare who is revolutionising how companies are measuring and ending pay gaps.

Who better for Nic to sit down with ahead of International Women’s Day 2020 than Zara Nanu from GapSquare who is revolutionising how companies are measuring and ending pay gaps. 
With a shift currently happening in the workforce due to automation, Nic and Zara discuss how society should also be innovating the way people are paid using the technologies and data available to us. They touch on whether people should be paid for the value of their work, not the time. 
They talk about the new generations who are calling for transparency in the workplace. This includes their experiences with their own children, and the role parents play in bringing up a generation where inequality doesn’t exist and there are no preconceptions of which occupation fits a certain gender. 
Zara talks about the shocking stories she has heard over her years working for GapSquare and the myth of the confidence gap. She also discusses the role Bristol has to play in the UK to lead the way in gender equality. 
This fantastic Tough Cookies episode sheds a light on modern-day society: How far we have come but how far we have yet to go. 

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