Join the lads from the studio for the first podcast of 2017. We discuss everything thats been on the agenda so far this year, including an extensive look at Rooneys career, as well as discussing Pep's 'meltdown'. Amongst much much more, including your listeners questions. Follow @TouchlineFracas

Ayo - @Disunomics
Lewis - @Lewbob91
Ellis - @Elliskco_I
Yas - @YFLatif
Kane - @MonsieurKane
Ife - @MrMeeds

Join the lads from the studio for the first podcast of 2017. We discuss everything thats been on the agenda so far this year, including an extensive look at Rooneys career, as well as discussing Pep's 'meltdown'. Amongst much much more, including your listeners questions. Follow @TouchlineFracas

Ayo - @Disunomics
Lewis - @Lewbob91
Ellis - @Elliskco_I
Yas - @YFLatif
Kane - @MonsieurKane
Ife - @MrMeeds