What's up, dudes? It's all about Pound Puppies! Julia from 'Tis the Podcast and Kim from Planning for Christmas join me to dive into all the Tonka and Hanna Barbera fluffy goodness! There's a nightmare sequence, a caroling dirge, and fairy dogmother! What?! Oh, and a Christmas album with barking dogs! Was there so little effort I. The album you can hear the engineer? Grab your squooshy puppy and tune in to find out!

Tis the Podcast
FB: @tisthepodcast
Twitter: @tisthepod
IG: @tisthepodcast

Planning for Christmas
FB: @planningforchristmaspodcast
IG: @planningforchristmaspodcast

Check us out on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Totally Rad Christmas Mall & Arcade, Teepublic.com, or TotallyRadChristmas.com! Later, dudes!

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