What’s up, dudes? I've got critically acclaimed singer and songwriter Rehya Stevens here to talk all about Amy Grant Christmas ventures in the '80s! There was her 1983 release "A Christmas Album," her 1986 endeavor with Art Garfunkel and Jimmy Webb "The Animals' Christmas," and her 1986 tv  special Headin' Home for the Holidays
After completing her recent tour, Amy and her husband Gary head home for Christmas. Unfortunately, someone forgot make sure the truck had gas (looking at you, Gary)! And so, an unplanned stop in Montana forces the Christian pop superstar couple to meet some locals, do some shopping, and, of course, sing in the town Christmas show! Oh, Art Garfunkel and Jimmy Webb decide to join them to plug their latest album as well!

It's a sweet special, even if Ed Begley Jr. plays an odd shopkeeper. And you know you're in the biz when your collaborators rush out to join you in a local Christmas performance!

Arrowheads and sheep hoof lamps and campfires! Oh my! So grab your hot pink parachute pants, jump in your rental truck, and drive on down to this episode all about Amy Grant Christmas!


Rehya Stevens
FB: @rehya.stevens
IG: @stevensrehya
Spotify: Rehya Stevens

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