This episode piggybacks off our last but breaks from our new norm of live interviews just for this week. Once you’ve got your business idea dialed in, looking for a platform is the next big step. We’ll talk through the key things to look for when choosing an online platform and will also provide a worksheet to help you work through the considerations for your specific business. This is a quick but important video.

Finding the right platform to support your online business is a make or break decision and it needs to happen really early in your planning. So you have little to go on to make this ginormous call. It can be the difference between growing a successful business and barely holding on.

I worked with a service organization a while back that was paying a lot of money every month for a membership platform. The information available to clients was so outdated and confusing that the front desk staff was on the phone constantly answering questions because no one knew how to make updates or set things up properly. They were paying a lot for the membership site, and were also paying desk staff to provide the same information instead of allowing them to truly host clients arriving for their service. And that’s not a situation you want to find yourself in down the road.