Previous Episode: Ep. 32 Stop Owning the Illness
Next Episode: Ep. 34 Mindset is Key

If there is one model of eating out there there’s got to be 500. Each of the authors of these so-called wonderful models of eating will swear up-and-down that theirs is the best as we all tend to do. We all have our favorites, in my clinical experience, different dietary models are specific for correction and promotion of normal function in specific cases. That being said the following model of 6-2-1-1 has been the foundational model we’ve use for over 16 years clinically in our office in Cheyenne Wyoming and was originally taught by Dr. Bernard Jensen who in his lifetime saw over 400,000 clients worldwide. So enjoy and if you have any comments or questions, please remember to text me directly at 307-631-5300.