About Bob Burdekin, AES, CHHP, CsM ....
Bob Burdekin has spent most of his life within the horse industry; Bob’s family raised, trained, and has shown the Arabian horse for over 30 years. In 1973, after serving in the USAF, Bob went back to the family ranch and went onto the University of  Montana, Bozeman campus to study under Scott Simpson to learn the art and science of the farrier trade.
In his late twenties, Bob started to realize that he was not able to maximize the potential that was contained within each horse. It was at this time that he started searching and worked with many mentors within the shoeing and training worlds, hoping to find and release that potential. Even though many techniques were learned and integrated into the overall program, it was still not enough, Bob still felt that there was more than could be accomplished.
In 2002, Bob started to look to Alternative Protocols and became a Reiki Master/Teacher and a CHOIS® Master/Teacher, those along with other educational requirements allowed Bob to become Board Certified by the American Association of Drugless Practitioners in 2010 as a Holistic Health Practitioner. The learning of these specific protocols contained with his board certification then allowed him to convert them for use on horses. Also, in 2010, Bob went back to college and complete his Associate Degree in Equine Science.
Even with all of this research, study, and certification, Bob knew that many of his questions had been answered, but not all of them. In 2014, Bob’s research into the use of Low Level Light Technology as it related to the horse which eventually leads to his mastering and certification in that specific protocol. Knowing that he was on the right track for finding answers that he had been searching for Bob also realized that there was still something else missing. With the need to know Bob carried on his research and studies and finally came upon the “Equine Trigger Point” Protocol (certified in 2018) that finally gave Bob the feeling that he was at the end of his very long search. Once Bob started to intergrade all of the protocols that he had acquired he was finding extremely positive results on each and every horse that Bob was able to work with. This how Bob created the method of “Inviting Change Rather Than Forcing It”.

The foremost point that Bob learned throughout his entire life of working with horses has always been “Horses don’t lie, it either works or it does not; they have no concept of the placebo effect”.


