Rose graduated from Caduceus Institute of Classical Homeopttathy and received her certification in Homeopathic Facial Analysis (HFA) from the Victorian College of Classical Homeopathy in Australia. Rose is the HFA representative for the state of Minnesota. Rose is the web administrator and broker for Bengal Allen homeopathic pharmacy in India. Rose developed Remedy me now, an on-line organic, natural product line of ointments and powders. Rose is the past President of the Minnesota Homeopathic Association board of directors. Rose holds the Executive Director position currently with the Minnesota Homeopathic Association. Rose is a homeopath in MN and runs an on-line homeopathic clinic. She wrote an acute homeopathic handbook to help her clients learn homeopathy for themselves. Roses education background is business administration along with a personal training certification.
Connect with Rose at: or by phone, 763.856.5667