10 years ago, Dr. Larry G. Martin and his wife were returning home when they were rear ended by a drunk driver. This accident took Dr. Martin out of private clinical practice over night. The recovery was long and tough but it gave him the opportunity to go back to school where he completed some very interesting studies. During that time, he had the blessing to find some amazing researchers that were far more gifted than he was. One of his main interests was in the science of epigenetic.
Indeed, more and more research is proving that the body has the ability to repair itself...
That’s where modern medicine is lacking the most.
When we look into the stats, it’s not surprising to find that gut health diseases are dominating the prescription market at 50.7 percent of total prescriptions.
What’s surprising is that there isn’t much conversation about the prevention of those gut health diseases.

Dr. Martin decided to make it his mission and became dedicated to finding the best supplement products for the gut microbiome.

▶️ What is it that he does exactly?

Through his research, he has found (possibly) the best products on the market to help with the gut microbiome. His mission is to educate and make these products available to as many people as possible.
He is looking for medical professionals and nutritional specialists, who are interested in Nrf2 products and understand the underlying concerns with most disease processes as it relates to cellular damage caused by free radical damage.

▶️ What makes Dr. Martin different?

His background in the Pharmaceutical and Medical industry allows him to better understand the needs of the end user and the science behind why these products work. There are so many options on the supplement market that we have to be careful and do our due diligence, which most people don’t do.
To contact Dr. Martin: