Topics Explored on Email Sequencing Content and Audience Emotion How to Write a Subject Line Automation of Email Sequences Building an Email Sequence Sharon’s Productivity Secrets Creating an Email Sequence System 

Before we jump into the tips and tricks of creating an email sequence system, let’s establish the need for automation. If you want to dive into email marketing, you really need to have an automated way to do it, or else it will be impossible! There are a lot of services out there, but a tip when picking a service is to consider your emailing list size. You can do some research on which service provider works best for you. However, if you’re a beginner, I highly suggest Flodesk! 

Key Point in Creating a System 

Let’s unlock secrets and open doors in your email sequence journey with these key points you should consider! 

Subject Title 

Your subject line is one of the most crucial points of your email sequence. Why? It’s the first thing your audience will see in the mass list of emails they receive. 

Ensure that your subject title hooks your audience in. It’s important to frame your sentence with something that piques their interest and is relevant to their current struggles. Don’t come off too straightforward, instead play with something that is intriguing, for example, “Did you know John quit?” But, I bet you don’t even know who John is, but it’s interesting. From here, you can put content about how to avoid burnout. Lastly, everyone wants certainty! So, put in numbers or stats in your subject line too. 

Lead Magnet 

The lead magnet is what actually gets your audience's email! So before anything, have this planned and set out. Your lead magnet needs to be something that is useful to your audience but simple and easy to digest. It could be a free template or even a checklist. The most important thing is that it establishes a “quick win” for your audience. 


During your email sequence, it’s important to establish trust and credibility. The best way to do that is to include testimonials! This will show your audience that what you’re trying to show them does work and is worth it! 

Let’s Connect! 

Get connected to your audience and convert them to customers! Listen to an episode of the Total Fit Boss Chick Podcast

Also, don’t forget to try out my free quiz - Productivity Personality Quiz. It feels great to understand what works for you, and guess what? It feels great to be finally understood too! 

Connect with Sharon! 

Instagram: thevirtualmiracle