Wow! What a change 24 hours can bring. After MLB Commissioner Rob Manfred said last week that he's '100 percent' certain that a 2020 season would happen, he flipped yesterday and said he was not '100 percent' certain. This brought ire and backlash from the players, and quite honestly, the owners and Manfred don't look good to the public in this situation, despite their leverage. This (Tuesday) morning, Manfred and MLBPA chief Tony Clark had a secret meeting and emerged with a 'framework' for both sides to move forward on negotiating terms. Initial reports state that the season would be around 60-70 games, players would receive their full pro-rated salaries (which is what the owners were denying all along), and there would be a greatly expanded playoff...going to 16 teams from the current 10. Originally, expanded playoffs were to include 14 teams. In return, the players would agree to not filing any grievances against the owners about their reduced salaries due to the limited number of games.

Despite this great nugget of news that may bring us baseball at Oracle Park in July, it all stems on player safety and the hopes that the nation will not shut down again due to a second wave of the corona virus. We are already seeing many states spike in cases due to re-opening, and that is cause for concern.

Also, these events have impacts on sports betting. You can find our sponsor's (Sports Betting Dime) betting section here, has the odds for the MLB season to be played went from -300 to -165 after Manfred's statement yesterday. 

We also recap the seven players the Giants took in the draft, the Oracle Park bullpens are done, and sadly, Cy Young Award winner Mike McCormick passed away this week.

