What's next in the adventures of Tori and Soul? Another booty call attempt, that's what! In our last episode, we had our first-ever booty call and it was a success (albeit with someone we already know). Well, in this episode, since we have another (rare) completely free day to ourselves, and without any "repeat-worthy" play friends available, we go one step further. This time we put out a request on our local LS website (Cafe Desire). Listen in as we open the responses, and react to what we find when people, who are completely new to us, respond thinking they are perfect to hook-up with. Some responses make us laugh out loud. Hint: Just having a penis is NOT enough. Then, at the end of this episode, Tori loses all rationale and discretion when Soul "brings" a hottie into the car with them.

Come discover your own torrid soul with us. We'd love to hear from you! Send us your questions or comments. [email protected] 1-647-547-5512 Twitter and Instagram @TorridSouls

Mentioned in this episode: Lifestyle Dating Sites SDC, SLS, Kasidie, Cafe Desire, Nerds Who Swing podcast.

See our Show Notes Page for links to all resources and music mentioned in this podcast. TorridSouls.com/9