The cast, long ago selected, is now rising to their roles. They show themselves as actors but their faces can't hide evil. Where does this leave the people? Physiognomy says more than words. The fraud seems so familiar. Same tactics, same swindle, same people. Stay on script and produce in your role, or be replaced. Not everyone knows who's been cast. As always, trust your gut. Disinfo as cover. Do you have your paperwork? DeSantis and the sly moves against Trump. Intel is used against you, and they know it all. J6 scripts and the effort to control us. Some sinister names return. Karl Rove at the center of the storm. Roger Stone involved. Avenatti again. The Fetterman float. Kammie's origins. Killary, Sri Lanka, money guns and treason. They hate us because we won't take orders. Resist the mind control, do NOT feel distressed, and keep fighting for the best that's yet to come.

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